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National Express quits biofuel experiment

"· Green energy source 'may do more harm than good' · Coach firm underlines concerns for food crops"


Nissan studies drink-proof cars

"Japanese carmaker Nissan has unveiled new technology designed to detect whether a driver has been drinking."

Category: Transport


Ryanair's green claims criticised

"Ryanair has been ordered not to repeat an advertisement that played down the impact of aviation on the environment."


Wave-skimming plane developed in China

"Chinese scientists have developed a "wing-in-ground" (WIG) aircraft that can fly long distances just a few metres above the sea surface, state media reported on Wednesday."

Category: Transport


Biofuels 'to push farm prices up'

"The rapidly growing biofuel market will keep farm commodity prices high over the next decade, a key study has said."

Displaying results 321 to 325 out of 341